Nos conférences
Conférences réalisées dans le cadre d’assemblées générales, de conventions, de tables rondes, à destination du public agricole, du grand public ou encore d’étudiants. Nos interventions sont réalisées spécifiquement pour chaque occasion et sont définies en amont avec chacun de nos interlocuteurs.

Sarah gave 2 presentations at our Soil Health Conference 2017 in Hungary. She delivered her insights on no-till systems and cover crop technologies with convincing examples and with a great sense of humour. As a farmer, her talks were full of real-life results from her own operation, which made her truly authentic in the eye of the fellow farmers.
Sarah Singla is a crowd favorite!
She shares with the audience her personal experiences on her Farm using No-till farming practices and cover crops.
Sarah has a strong stage presence and her passion and love of Agriculture is obvious.
Sarah provides an International perspective for today’s farmers participating in a Global market.
She shares with the audience her personal experiences on her Farm using No-till farming practices and cover crops.
Sarah has a strong stage presence and her passion and love of Agriculture is obvious.
Sarah provides an International perspective for today’s farmers participating in a Global market.
Sarah Singla came and spoke to our Groundswell no-till show and conference at Weston in the UK in June 2016. Around 550 farmers had come from all over the UK and Europe. Sarah held the audience with some very refreshing thoughts on her experiences with cover crops and no-till on her own farm, whilst at the same time taking a very balanced view of no-till farming, drawing on her experiences from around the world.
She has a very light touch, telling and was also very concise, making points very clear and easy to understand.
She has a very light touch, telling and was also very concise, making points very clear and easy to understand.
We had the pleasure to be with Sarah for 4 days in November 2017 where she did training, gave proper answers to a lot of questions on no-till systems. We were very inspired to transform the knowledge from Sarah to the Danish conditions.
Sarah Singla

Agricultrice en Aveyron sur une exploitation qui est en agriculture de conservation des sols depuis 1980
Ingénieur agronome, passionnée par l’agronomie, grâce à ses connaissances approfondies, elle propose de nouvelles idées pour développer l’agriculture
Fondatrice Hum's
Elle a créé hum’s pour accompagner techniquement et économiquement les producteurs, et pour participer au dynamisme d’une agriculture viable, sociale, respectueuse de l’environnement